QuBA® Quick Breath Analyzer

  • Rapid testing capability where QuBA can test one person per minute, with each test yielding results in just 30 seconds, making it highly efficient for high-traffic scenarios.
  • Cost efficiency meaning the QuBA operates at no additional cost per test, offering significant long-term savings compared to other testing methods.
  • Non-Invasive procedure requiring only a short shout inside the cabin, making the testing process simple and non-intrusive while maintaining high accuracy levels.
  • Broad applications allows for testing of a wide range of airborne diseases, not just COVID-19, QuBA provides a versatile solution in combating the spread of infections.
QuBA virus detection Unit

Advanced Viral Detection Technology

Rapid Virus Detection with QuBA

Need rapid virus detection solutions? The QuBA is here for you. Fill out our form for more information and how you can secure your environment against airborne threats

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