Advanced Exhaust Cleaners for Diesel Manufacturers

Aero Fresca is pioneering the integration of state-of-the-art exhaust cleaners specifically designed for large diesel vehicles used in land, rail, and marine transportation. By targeting the initial vehicle assembly phase, we ensure that each diesel engine is equipped with the most effective pollution control technology right from the start, setting new industry standards in emissions reduction.

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Enhancing Diesel Manufacturing with Advanced Emission Solutions

Diesel vehicle manufacturers face significant challenges in meeting environmental regulations and managing the high costs associated with emissions compliance. Aero Fresca’s exhaust cleaners offer a proactive solution by integrating advanced filtration technology during the vehicle manufacturing process, reducing future retrofitting needs and costs. Our systems are designed to capture fine, toxic, and ultrafine pollutants, offering a cleaner, more sustainable operation from the outset.

The largest source of CO2 emissions - the transportation sector. Truck, bulker ship and airplane in a cloud of exhaust pollution.

Reduced Environmental Impact

Our exhaust cleaners are engineered to drastically lower emissions from diesel engines, helping manufacturers meet stringent global emission standards and reduce their environmental footprint.

Cost-Effective Compliance

By installing our exhaust cleaners during the manufacturing process, vehicle makers can avoid the complexities and expenses associated with aftermarket modifications, ensuring compliance from day one

Putting coin into the white cargo delivery truck on white background
High Engine Performance

Enhanced Vehicle Performance

Beyond just emissions control, our technology enhances overall engine performance and efficiency, providing an added value to manufacturers and end-users by improving fuel economy and engine longevity.

Set New Standards in Diesel Manufacturing

Join the forefront of diesel technology transformation. Discover the benefits of installing Aero Fresca’s advanced exhaust cleaners right from the assembly line. Explore Our Technologies today.

“…it delivers on the promise

“I’ve seen how the Cirqulair works and that it delivers on the promise.

– Frank Vergunst, director of the company Alta Group

Frankl Vergunst of Alta Group

Streamlined Installation for Maximum Efficiency

The installation process of our purifying machines are tailored to ensure minimal disruption and maximum efficiency for all applications and uses. We are committed to transparency in all our business dealings. We offer detailed consultations to tailor our systems to your specific needs, supported by:

Collaborative Design Process

Our team of experts collaborates directly with your engineers to design and customize exhaust cleaners that seamlessly integrate into your vehicles. This process ensures that each solution is optimally configured for your specific production line and vehicle design.

Engineers Designing
After Sales Support

Long-Term Commitment

We are committed to supporting manufacturers long after the initial installation. We provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that the exhaust systems continue to meet regulatory requirements and perform at their best, helping you maintain credibility and trust in the market.

Peter Van Wees

“The Cirqulair produces almost one hundred percent clean air. “

“The Cirqulair produces almost one hundred percent clean air. No other device can do that in one go.”

– Peter van Wees, Van Wees Innovations

Innovate with Confidence

Embrace the future of diesel transportation with Aero Fresca’s exhaust cleaners. Start a conversation with our experts today and take a giant leap towards sustainable manufacturing.